


Focus Africa Features

Belleville Baby
by Mia Engberg
Sweden 2013, 76 min., documentary, OV, English subtitles

As a student, Mia lived in Paris with her lover Vincent, a bad boy who was often in trouble with the law, and who one day disappeared without explanation. Ten years later, Mia has moved on with her life: returning to Sweden, making a career as a filmmaker and having a child. But one day, out of the blue, Vincent calls... A film about love, time and things that got lost along the way.
Filmfest Dox Award.


Dancing in Jaffa
by Hilla Medalia
USA/Israel 2013, 100 min., documentary, OV, German subtitles

Can dance overcome political, religious and gender differences? Pierre Dulaine, a famous New York dancer with Palestinian roots, thinks so. In Jaffa, his hometown, Jewish and Palestinian Israelis coexist in an atmosphere of mistrust and prejudices. Pierre fulfills his vision of bringing their children together – in the ballroom. But, due to taboos, the participants find physical contact with the opposite sex even tougher than dancing with “the enemy“.


The Jungle Radio – Palabra de Mujer
by Susanne Jäger
Germany/Nicaragua 2009, 90 min., documentary, OV, German subtitles

Palabra de Mujer – that’s a radio station in the middle of Nicaraguan jungle. Every morning, Yamileth’s programme gives residents the opportunity to denounce domestic violence and name the offenders. Moreover, Yamileth and her colleagues provide basic medical care and sexual education. Gradually they raise awareness of the precarious situation of women and what can be done against it.
Director present.


Die Töchter der Göttin. Bei den Moso in China
by Petra Spamer-Riether

Germany 1993, 44 min., documentary, German version

The The ethnic groupmatriarchal Mosuo peoplereside in China’s southwest and maintain keep up their traditional way of living. This includes a matrilinear family structure. Generally women are the heads of the family and property is passed on to the daughters,The matriarch oversees the money and collective land-ownership, plans and coordinates the farm work. mMen and women live at their mother's house; the traditional “„visiting marriage“ is still being practiced. ; biological fathers are unknown. The documentary gives deep Fascinating insights into the traditions of the Moso,a thoroughly non-patriarchal world.
Director present.

Shortfilm: Mädcheninitiation bei den Mosuo.
by Uschi Madeisky, Daniela Parr, Dagmar Margotsdotter-Fricke
Germany/China, 2013, 30 Min., German version
Director present.

In Kooperation mit BAF

Die Verführungskünstler
by Johanna Bentz
Germany 2012, 79 min., documentary, German version

The pick-up is the “„art“ of attracting women – and also a business. This documentary follows members of the pick-up scene in Germany and their personal development. They start to have their doubts: Should women be assessed like a product/commodity? Is this really the only way to meet women? Insightful and critical portait.
Director present.


El engaño – Deceit
by Florence Jaugey
Nicaragua 2012, 39 min., documentary, OV, English subtitles

Seven survivors of human trafficking try to find words for their trauma. Grinding poverty in Nicaragua leads parents to pimp their daughters; women are abducted and sold at the border to Honduras. Some of them manage to escape and even find the strength to build up prevention projects for at-risk girls.


FEMEN. The Inside Story
by Nadia El Fani and Caroline Fourest
France 2012, 55 min., documentary, English version

"Better naked than under a burka“ – one of many provocative slogans that has gained feminist organization FEMEN worldwide attention. Their goal: to subvert patriarchal structures.Their main targets: patriarchy and its manifestations in any religion, the sex industry and dictatorships. Their methods: shouts and slogans on bare breasts. From their origins in the Ukraine to Paris, where new activists are trained.


From the Kitchen to the Parliament – De la Cuisine au Parlement
by Stéphane Goël
Switzerland 2012, 66 min., documentary, OV, German subtitles

It was 1991 when Appenzell in Switzerland finally granted women the right to vote. But why so late? Female activists tell their story – about their fight to get out of the kitchen – and how men tried everything to put them back in: Not only did female suffrage depend on a referendum by male voters, there were other hurdles to tackle, like an out-dated marriage-law...


Invoking Justice
by Deepa Dhanraj
India 2011, 86 min., documentary, Original version with English subtitles

Tamil Nadu, South India: Against the oppression by the male-dominated Islamic community courts called Jamaat, a group of confident, humorous women sets off a small revolution by establishing an all-women Jamaat – with success: violence against women can't be justified any longer by extremely misogynist interpretations of the Koran.


La Domination Masculine – Male Domination
by Patric Jean
Belgium/France 2009, 94 min., documentary, German version

Western societies debate about gender equality, a quota and the achievements of feminism. A pro-feminist himself, Patric Jean takes a critical look behind this facade and detects the private and professional settings where patriarchal stereotypes of dominant men and fragile women are being perpetuated. He depicts the situation in Canada, from assumed triviality to staggering violence against women.


La Eterna Noche de las Doce Lunas
by Priscilla Padilla
Colombia 2013, 87 min., documentary, OV, English subtitles

Pili belongs to the Wayuu, an indigenous people in Northern Colombia. After her first menstruation, she follows an old custom: seclusion. For one year, she lives separated from her community – only female relatives are allowed to see her. On her way to adulthood, she starts thinking about her future: Will she fully adapt to the archaic culture or will she decide to lead a more self-determined life?
Awarded prizes in Cartagena and Toulouse.


Run Granny Run
by Marlo Poras
USA 2007, 78 min, documentary, OV

3200 miles of walking in search of signatures – that’s how Doris Haddock’s political career starts at the age of 90. Her mission: Rally against the influence of big money in politics. Hence When a candidate drops out of a political campaign, she decides to run for US Senate – at 94. Marlo Poras accompanies her and shows how „Granny D“ could win people's hearts of the young and old with no stronger weapons than sincere words, nothing more than sincere words, critical understanding, a fabulous sense of humor and her legs to carry her through New Hampshire.


by Kim Longinotto
India/UK 2013, 90 min., documentary, OV, English subtitles

At the age of 13, Salma was taken out of school – like most Muslim girls in Tamil Nadu –only to be locked up and forced to marry. Salma secretly started to write her feelings on scraps of paper in unique verse. Her poems were smuggled out of the house and finally got published, revealing women’s life in Tamil communities and making her the most famous female poet in South India. After 25 years of captivity, she dared to leave her “„prison“.


The Mosuo Sisters
by Marlo Poras
USA 2012, 81 min., documentary, OV, English subtitles

Two sisters of the matriarchal Mosuo people lose their jobs in Beijing. Reluctantly, they return home to a remote village in the foothills of the Himalaya. Latsu stays to help her family with farming, Jamu leaves to try her luck again in the city. The sisters try to find a balance between supporting their family, preserving their identity as Mosuo women and fulfilling their own dreams.
Expert present.

In Kooperation mit BAF

by Marisa Middleton
Germany 2012, 80 min., documentary, German version

14 year-old Liliana is a fan of the Twilight-Saga, temperamental and more interested in lovestories and boys than in going to school or church. But her emotional curve has reached its bottom: Arguments with her mother trouble her. She can hardly wait to go to confirmation camp with best friend Lara: finally holidays away from home! With her new camera, Lili films personal experiences – and her own impressive maturity process.


Vous êtes servis
by Jorge León
Belgium/Indonesia 2009, 60 min., documentary, OV, English subtitles

35,000 women per month leave their families in Indonesia to work as domestic servants in wealthier Asian countries or the Middle East. In preparation for the years of hard work on 18-hour shifts, an agency in Jakarta takes advantage of them. Photographed for a catalogue like products for sale, they also sleep in crowded dormitories and pay to be trained to clean microwaves for household chores, to be quiet and obedient. Though they face exploitation and the dangers of the global market. But the women also have their share of laughter, too many are the absurdities of their training: changing diapers in a fundamentalistic Islamic country is too funny...!...



Focus Africa Features